Throughout the years we have been helped by private persons and by individuals. Either as sponsors for our OVC program, donating monetary funds for buying school materials or donations towards our building projects. Everyone who donates, has the right to choose towards which project his or her donation goes. This can be specified to either one of the board members or to Jennifer.
At the moment we have started building the third block which will in the end consist out of three classrooms and one office with a storeroom. Besides this, a start has been made on our ablution block. We want to establish a first ablution block with flush toilets. This to improve the hygiene, especially concerning our girls who are slowly entering puberty.

More about our OVC program can be found here. If you would like to sponsor any child, contribute to our building projects, make a donating for reading books or other school materials, you can contact either Jennifer or any of our board members. For Jennifer you can reach her on and the board members can be contacted through